Included here are a variety of resources to help fund Starlab, including STEM-based grants that districts, schools, and teachers can apply for, along with award opportunities.
State and National Grants

U.S. Department of Education (State based)
The Department of Education at the state level is a valuable resource for finding grant opportunities tailored to the needs of teachers and students within your state. It's important to stay updated on the grants that are available, as they can provide significant support for educational initiatives and projects.
United States Space Grant Consortiums
This NASA initiative supports the advancement of science and engineering education, research, and public outreach. Funds are available for both curricular and professional development and are provided annually through grants at the state level. Click on the information for your state in order to find contact information, as well as grant opportunities that are currently available.
EANS Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools
Click your state to learn what's available in your state. These grants can be used for a variety of things, but most applicable: "Investing in educational technology and remote learning tools, including hardware like headphones, software and connectivity to support student learning.
American Honda Foundation STEM Grants
Honda’s goal is to help meet the needs of American society in the areas of youth and scientific education by awarding STEM grants for schools and nonprofits, while strategically assisting communities in deriving long-term benefits.
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Returning organizations
Association of American Educators Foundation
These STEM grants for schools and grant money for technology in the classroom can be used for a variety of projects and materials, including but not limited to books, software, calculators, math manipulatives, art supplies, audio-visual equipment, and lab materials.
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Bayer Fund Educational Grants
Bayer Fund supports communities where our employees live and work by investing in programs in eligible communities around the world. We support general educational programs and programs focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) that offer innovative approaches to teaching or learning and which foster student achievement. We give priority to programs that use evidence-based methodology.
We accept Education applications from invited organizations located in eligible communities during two periods annually. The first period opens January 1 and closes February 28 at 11:59:59pm CT (funding decisions made in May/June). The second period opens July 1 and closes on August 31 at 11:59:59pm CT (funding decisions made in November/December).
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Chevron Fuel Your School
The Fuel Your School program is part of Chevron’s overall support for education, in particular science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Chevron also provides grant money for technology in the classroom.
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Colocation America STEM Innovation Grant
The STEM Innovation Grant was created to fund programs that inspire and encourage K-12 students to pursue their interest and curiosity in STEM.
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CSX Community Service Grants
CSX Community Service Grants assist organizations that make a strong, quantifiable impact on their greater communities. The online application for Community Service Grants is open from Jan. 1 through Dec. 15 each year. Every effort will be made to respond to applications within 30–45 days. Remaining applications are automatically closed after 90 days.
To apply for a CSX Community Service Grant, an organization must qualify under one of the following charitable criteria:
– It qualifies by possessing tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as listed in the IRS Master File of organizations conducting activities in the United States.
– It qualifies as a state, county or municipal government entity, including law enforcement and fire rescue departments, and seeks funding to serve the needs of the community at large.
– It qualifies as a pre-K–12 school, charter school, community/junior college, or college/university.
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Dreyfus Foundation Educational Grants
The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation awards grants to organizations for whom a small amount of money can make a big difference.
The Foundation welcomes requests for support from community-based non-profit organizations located in the United States, including museums, cultural, and performing arts programs; schools, hospitals, educational and skills training programs, programs for youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities; environmental and wildlife protection activities; and other community-based organizations and their programs.
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Duke Energy Foundation Local Impact Grants
The foundation provides K-12 Education and Nature grants to nonprofit organizations that make an impact in communities where the company operates in Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, North Caroline, Ohio, and South Caroline. K-12 grants should advance energy, engineering, and environmental education through student programming or teacher professional development. Grants are made at the district level.
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EANS, Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools
Click your state to learn what’s available in your state. These grants can be used for a variety of things, but most applicable: “Investing in educational technology and remote learning tools, including hardware like headphones, software and connectivity to support student learning.”
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Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program
Supports the creation, development, implementation, replication, or scaling of innovative educational programs that improve student achievement and attainment for high-need students, including those focused on STEM education.
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Frances R. Dewing Foundation Grants
The FRD Foundation was created on April 4, 1963 by Frances R. Dewing. She received her BA from Wellesley College in 1900 and Ph.D. from Radcliffe College in 1906. The monies of the FRD Foundation are to be used to provide “seed money” for intellectual stimulation of young children.
These grants fund projects or programs focused on early childhood education. Of particular interest are those at new, untried, or unusual educational organizations that aim to introduce new methods for children from age 2 to 6th grade.
The FRD Foundation is a small, non-profit, charitable organization that supports innovative ways of teaching young children. Approximately 20 to 30 grants are made per year.
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Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)
ITEST is an applied research and development (R&D) program providing direct student learning opportunities in pre-kindergarten through high school (Pre K-12). ITEST seeks proposals that pursue innovative instructional approaches and practices in formal and informal learning environments and in close collaboration with strategic partnerships.
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Grants for Teachers
AIAA Foundation Classroom Grant Program
The AIAA Foundation believes that one of the most significant means to inspire and advance the future of Aerospace is to fund grants to meet the unmet and unfunded educational needs of students. Each school year, AIAA awards grants of up to $500 to worthy projects that significantly influence student learning.
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American Electric Power Teacher Vision Grants
You motivate youth to think creatively, to step into leadership roles and to address the challenges of the future. If adequate funding is all that stands between you and a new classroom adventure, American Electric Power’s Teacher Vision Grant program may help. Teachers of pre-K through Grade 12 who live or teach in the AEP service area or in communities with major AEP facilities may apply.
Any project that has an academic focus and a goal to improve student achievement will be considered. AEP has a special interest in science, mathematics, technology, the study of energy and a sustainable environment, and energy efficiency.
Highly regarded projects will incorporate matching funds, community resources, and interdisciplinary or team-teaching projects. We do not fund stipends or meals.
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Association of American Educators Classroom Grants
Classroom grants are available to all full-time educators who have not received a scholarship or grant from AAE in the past two years. Awards are competitive.
Classroom grants can be used for a variety of projects and materials, including but not limited to books, software, calculators, math manipulatives, art supplies, audio-visual equipment, and lab materials. Funds must be used within one year of the application deadline.
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NEA Student Success Grant
Grant funds can be used for resource materials, supplies, equipment, transportation, technology, or scholars-in-residence. Although some funds may be used to support the professional development necessary to implement the project, the majority of grant funds must be spent on materials or educational experiences for students.
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Partners in Science Program
This unique program pairs high school science teachers with a mentor doing cutting-edge research in an academic lab or a lab associated with another nonprofit institution. The Murdock Trust awards approximately 25 Partners in Science grants each year to fund these teacher-mentor research opportunities in the Pacific Northwest. Our goal is to help teachers bring knowledge from the research lab directly into the classroom to promote hands-on science education. After reading the program guidelines and the instructions and checklist, the research mentor or the high school teacher may begin the application process through the Grants Portal. The completed application must be submitted by the mentor’s institution.
Partners in Science work occurs over the course of two summers. After the first summer, partners develop a pictorial poster showing their research to date for presentation at the National Partners in Science conference. After the second year of work with their mentors, partners return to the conference to deliver an oral presentation on their progress.
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Salt River Project
Only open to educators in parts of Arizona served by SRP.
Learning grants allow schools, teachers and students to develop projects and programs geared toward state-mandated competencies. Up to $5,000 is awarded per school. Funds can be used to support innovative teaching strategies that improve student performance in math and science.
History and Social Science Grants are awarded to help educators present academic content and teach skills in the interrelated disciplines of history, geography, civics, government and economics. Up to $2,500 is awarded per school.
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The Meemic Foundation’s PopIn2Win Grant
You love the classroom funding assistance you get from grants … but hate all those darn questions you have to complete to apply for funding. And you just don’t have the time it takes to complete some of these grant applications. It sounds like you want a grant that’s not a grant. We invite you to PopIn2Win! It’s The Meemic Foundation’s monthly opportunity to quickly “click-in” to be considered for a valuable resource or tool that will enhance your school or classroom learning for your students!
These grants are available to teachers in Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Applicants must also be Foundation Club members, and membership is free of charge.
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The Mikkelson Mathematics and Science Teachers Scholarship Fund
The Mikkelson Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Foundation incorporated in Colorado in October of 1999. The Mikkelson Foundation was established to improve scientific and technical education by providing support for teachers and organizations involved in science and mathematics education, and for students studying science, engineering, and mathematics. The Foundation provides scholarship funds for college students studying math, science, and engineering, and also provides funding for teacher skill improvement programs in mathematics and science.
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Toshiba America Foundation
Toshiba America Foundation’s mission is to provide teachers with additional funds to support classroom projects. After school, summer projects, and independent study projects are not eligible. The Foundation strongly encourages projects planned and led by individual teachers or teams of teachers for their own classrooms.
Many successful grantees have designed projects that tap into the natural curiosity of their students, enable students to frame their own scientific questions, and incorporate the expertise of community partners.
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Voya Unsung Heroes Grant
Grants are given to K-12 educators utilizing new teaching methods and techniques that improve learning. Each year, 50 finalists are selected to receive a $2,000 grant, payable to both the winning teacher and his or her school. At least one grant is awarded in each of the 50 states, provided at least one qualified application was received from each state.
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Awards and Contests
ASM’s Kishor M. Kulkarni Distinguished High School Teacher Award
Award was established through a generous donation by Dr. Kulkarni (past ASM Trustee) and his family to honor and recognize the accomplishments of a high school science teacher who has demonstrated a significant and sustained impact on pre-college age students.
Candidates must be a full or part-time actively employed high school teacher in the U.S.A. or Canada.
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Edward C. Roy Jr., Award for Excellence in K-8 Earth Science Teaching
The purpose of this award is to honor the memory of Dr. Edward C. Roy Jr., who was a past president of the American Geosciences Institute (AGI), a professor at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, and a recipient of both the Ian Campbell Medal and the Heroy Distinguished Service Award. He was a lifelong supporter of teachers and students of all ages and served for a number of years as chair of the AGI Education Advisory Committee. The award is designed to recognize one teacher of grades K-8 (or Key Stages 1-3 in the United Kingdom) each year for his or her leadership and innovation in Earth science education.
To be eligible, an applicant must be a full-time U.S. or U.K. classroom teacher who currently provides instruction in Earth science at the K-8 level with all the responsibilities of such a position.
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James Madison Graduate Fellowships
The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation offers $24,000 James Madison Graduate Fellowships to individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution at the secondary school level. Fellowship applicants compete only against other applicants from the states of their legal residence. As funding permits, the Foundation plans to offer one fellowship per state per year.
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National Association of Biology Teachers: Ecology/Environmental Science Teaching Award
The National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) award goes to a secondary school teacher who has developed an innovative approach to teaching ecology/environmental science and shared their commitment to the environment with the community. The awardee receives a one-year NABT membership, Vernier equipment, and $500 to travel to the NABT Professional Development Conference, where the awardee will receive a plaque to honor their work.
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National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) Awards
The annual NSTA Awards and Recognition Program recognizes exceptional and innovative science educators. The program was created to raise awareness and exposure of the outstanding work being done in the science education field.
The NSTA Awards and Recognition recipients will be honored during a black-tie dinner gala at the NSTA National Conference on Science Education.
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Samsung Solve for Tomorrow
Designed to boost interest and proficiency in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), this nationwide contest challenges public school teachers and students in grades 6-12 to show how STEM can be applied to help improve their local community.
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Shell Science Lab Challenge
The annual Shell Science Lab Challenge Competition recognizes outstanding middle and high school programs for their exemplary approaches to science lab instruction utilizing limited school and laboratory resources. The Challenge will showcase the work of teachers, representing their schools, who submit innovative, replicable strategies to deliver quality lab experiences with limited equipment/resources, and award teachers/schools with additional tools, resources, and rich professional development opportunities needed to support high-quality science teaching and strengthen their existing capabilities.